For many, losing weight looks like impossible; genetics, age and the stress of modern life among various factors, lead to local accumulations of fat that are very difficult to burn through exercise and dieting.
Being happy with our body and self-image is not a vain aspiration, it can positively improve your life’s quality, boost your self-confidence and inspire motivation for a healthier lifestyle.
Liposuction is an option to get rid of unwanted fat. It is basically a two step cosmetic surgery: the first step consists in detaching subcutaneous fat cells, the second one is the process of “suction”, where the fat cells in question are removed from the body area. Body fat tends to accumulate in specific parts of the body like the thighs
The thighs are two of the most important features of a woman’s body. They give a curvature and shape that are uniquely feminine for each woman. At times, the thighs can accumulate fat that detracts from their beauty or creates a disproportionate appearance with the rest of the body. If you feel you could benefit from the tightening, rejuvenating effects of thigh liposuction, please read more or call to have more informations.
In order to create the best results in the thighs, they are actually broken down into three separate treatment areas. In some cases, patients may only require treatment of a single area. In other cases, Dr. Amron may recommend leg liposuction treatment on all three areas to get the most optimum results.
- Inner thighs
- Outer thighs
Inner Thigh Liposuction
The inner thigh area is a common area of concern among women who seek liposuction. Inner thigh liposuction can significantly improve the silhouette of the thigh and reduce the rubbing together of the inner thighs
Outer Thigh Liposuction
The outer thighs—also known as the saddlebags when they accumulate too much fat—are critical to a pleasing silhouette. When fat gathers in the outer thighs, it gives the appearance of a low center of gravity, causing the legs to look shorter than they actually are.
The procedure for thighs liposuction
A first consultation with the surgeon is mandatory.
During your initial consultation, we will discuss your desired results, we will review your medical history and conduct a physical examination to explain the various risks and limitations associated with undergoing thighs liposuction based on your specific conditions.
As the skin on that area is less elastic, and the fat not compact, the suction must be therefore softened to avoid imperfections.
In thighs liposuction, small incisions are made on the thighs and small tubes, called cannula of 4-5 mm are gently inserted to suction or vacuum the excess pockets of fat deposits from the subcutaneous layer of the skin around the thighs. New technology and techniques have made legs and thighs liposuction much safer, easier and less painful for patients. Depending on the amount of fat to be removed, thighs liposuction procedure can vary from patient to patient.
Liposuction or fat removal surgery is performed under local anaesthetic with sedation, and is often treated as a day case, meaning you will not have to stay in hospital overnight. The procedure usually takes between one and two hours to complete depending on the area being treated and how much fat is being removed.
What is the recovery period and results like?
To enable to recover, the skin requires that you wear a compression garment called lipo-panties, day and night, for just 2 weeks. These panties are very comfortable. You will not need to buy them as they will be supplied to you and put on for you at the end of the procedure, along with tips for use.
It also helps reduce swelling, bruising and pain. Bruising may last anywhere between a week to 10 days. Results of legs and thighs liposuction are immediate but it may take three months to see the outcome or new contour of your body after the swelling goes down.
To speed the healing process and to reduce the likelihood of post-operative complications, your surgeon will probably tell you to begin light activity. Sport is prohibited the first 15 days. You should be able to return to work within 48 hours if your work is fairly sedentary.